Recipe Booklet

One-Pot Veggie Bolognese
One Pot - a theme that would be unthinkable without in quick cuisine. Now there are simple recipes for the digital rice cooker! With this recipe, you can easily make a One Pot Veggie Bolognese, which you can enjoy for lunch or dinner - especially when you need to be quick. Enjoy!
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Courgette Risotto in the Digital Rice Cooker
Making risotto in the rice cooker? It couldn't be easier. Follow this quick and easy recipe to make the perfect courgette risotto in your digital rice cooker. It makes an ideal quick lunch or dinner and is truly irresistible! You can also share it with your loved ones or take it to work as a meal prep.
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One-Pot Vegetable Rice with Peanut Butter
This quick and easy one-pot dish can be made in lots of different variations. You can vary the vegetables to match the season. Add all ingredients to your digital rice cooker and after just 20 minutes, your meal will be ready! Perfect for those days when you're in a hurry or for meal preppers.
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One-Pot Enchilada Rice
This delicious creation is prepared exclusively in the digital rice cooker and you don't need to allow time for cooking because the digital rice cooker does that for you. In just 3 easy steps, you can magic up an incredibly tasty, spicy and mildly hot enchilada dish. Perfect for sharing with your loved ones.
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